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Where are Fisker Cars Produced?

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Fisker cars are manufactured in Austria, you may wonder. Fisker makes both the Fisker Ocean model and the Fisker Pear in Graz. The trims of the Fisker models may be something you are interested in. We have all the details in this article. Learn more about this innovative company, and its manufacturing plant.

Fisker Ocean

Fisker cars: Where are they made? This question has been a source of concern for investors since Fisker's inception in 2010. Fisker began production in November 2015. The first cars were sold to select investors in late 2015. The company is expecting its first revenue in 2022. That's several years after the company's debut. It also plans to increase its production volume, although it is not clear how much work it will need to finish its production run.

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Fisker Pear

Fisker's PEAR mass-market electric car is currently being manufactured at Foxconn’s former GM Lordstown, Ohio plant. When production ramps up, Fisker expects to produce about 250,000 Pears per year. The company's website indicates that it will cost about $29,900 to buy a PEAR. Reservations for the PEAR are now being taken, according to the company. The initial reservation is $250, each additional one $100.

Fisker Ocean trims

Many reservation holders are confused at the Fisker Ocean’s numerous trim levels, available features, and various features. Many aren’t clear if the Big Sur Blue paint colour will be available on all trims. While others aren’t quite sure if the SolarSky solar roof is available for Ocean Sport. If you are confused by the different trim levels, it might be worth checking the Fisker website. These are some of the features that you may want to consider when shopping for your next car.

Fisker manufacturing facility located in Graz Austria

Magna Steyr is Austria's factory that houses the Fisker car production facility in Graz. Soon, the company will be able produce two prototypes per hour. Production of the Fisker Ocean SUV is expected to begin in November. The company also expects to double its production once the vehicles go on the road. The production of the SUV is expected to reach 50,000 units before 2023. Fisker initially plans only to sell 1,000 units. However, the company anticipates selling more as demand grows for the SUV.

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Fisker's sustainability rating

The company will not be selling cars through traditional dealerships and instead only sell digitally. Fisker will no longer rely on brick and mortar dealerships. Instead, Fisker will be focusing on a small number of SDGs. Nio's showrooms had been a financial problem for the company. Fisker concluded that Ocean's profit potential is lower. It is still a great start.

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Where are Fisker Cars Produced?